April 11, 2009

  • Vocation for Validation -- NOT!

    We went on our women's retreat a couple of weekends ago. I don't think I have ever gone on a retreat so thoroughly grounded in and overflowing with God's Word!! It was refreshing! And the speaker was a Nouthectic counselor, so for me, as I am studying to be one, it was invaluable to see solid biblical foundations applied to every situation.

    Over the next few posts I am going to attempt to pass along some what I got out of it.

    The topic was vocation...all the different callings in our lives. Things like: mother, friend, congregant, daughter, sister, student, youth group leader, etc, etc, etc... the complete list is different for all of us.

    One of the first points Christa, our speaker, made is that our vocation isn't for validation.

    So much of the time, especially as homemakers, we might fall into the trap feeling my "job" is unfulfilling; it's just the same thing over and over and over. This may lead to a tendency to want to search after other things that seem more fulfilling, but which compete for our attention in some non-negotiable jobs we have. For instance, if I join a bible study group (or offer to lead one) to get out of the house 4 days a week, but my chores aren't getting done or my house is in disarray.

    So somewhere along the line we lose God's prospective, and we start thinking that our vocation is sought for self-fulfillment.

    1 Corinthians 10:31 says: So whatever you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.

    The chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy him forever -- not glorifying and enjoying ourselves. We tend to miss this because we are constantly looking to being fulfilled.

    Christa shared: "It is a wrong understanding of vocation to spend a lifetime of chasing after something that never exists [fulfillment apart from God] while missing the purpose and calling that encompasses our lives TODAY" [in either our non-negotiable vocations (motherhood, student, daughter, wife, etc) or our negotiable ones (homeschooling, serving at church, working, etc)!]

    Every relationship we are in, every job we do, the place we live, our neighbors, our church, etc, etc, etc, God has specifically placed us by His wisdom, for His purposes and glory. And for our good!!

    She encouraged us to memorize this:

    "You are where you are, doing what you are doing, connected to whom you are connected, under given authorities, not because you have put yourself there in order to find fulfillment, but because God has put you there for His purposes."

    I find that I am needed to renew my mind to this -- renewed to the fact that God placed me exactly where I am to glorify Him in everything I do.

    When we truly comprehend that, seeking our own fulfillment will fall by the wayside.

    ...to be continued...

April 9, 2009

  • Gracie last night was on the neighbor’s trampoline and fell off.  She wasn’t jumping, rather, she was stepping backwards to let someone else jump and just misjudged the end of the trampoline.  Her foot got caught the spring hole and she fell off backwards with her arm outstretched – hit the walkway and got buckle fractures in her radius and ulna forearm bones.

    Looking on the blessing’s side - her leg fell through the hole to her knee as she was falling, so she didn’t hit her head, and that caused her not to fall full weight on her arm onto the cement (which probably would have resulted in a displaced fracture as well as a head injury), rather to just dangle there after she fell.   And she didn’t injure her ankle, leg or knee.

    We need to make an appointment with the Orthopedic doctor.  She has is splint right now, but needs a cast for 4 weeks.  There was also some question about whether or not she has some injury in her shoulder.  The doctor last night said he didn’t think so, but it “looks odd”.  He said the Orthopedic doctor would be able to tell.  Her elbow was in much pain as well, but they said that looked fine.

    Looking on line, I kind of found a x-ray of what the fractures look like -- almost in the same spot as hers, although, not as bad on the ulna as this one shows (but looks just like it on the radius (right side forearm bone) as I'm assuming that's the one that took most of the brunt of the fall):

    So I have to make an appointment today with the Orthopedic to get it cast.  She is ok, but didn't sleep well last night - lots of pain.  But seems to be doing a bit better this morning.


April 8, 2009

  • Ok -- so we went on Retreat and I missed posting Julie's birthday (it was the Friday of retreat).  She had a great day. This year Disneyland lets you in free on your birthday (only 7 miles away from us) -- better yet you can apply that to a yearly pass.  So she was able to get her pass for only $65!!   So she went there in the morning and then we went to retreat.  I brought a cake up and we sang Happy Birthday to her that night.  We have a tradition of celebrating birthday as a family first thing in the morning.  We decorate the night before -- we use the white board as a gigantic card and all sign it.

    Then we get donuts and open presents...  But this year for her, we celebrated the night before because Disneyland opened at 8am and she needed to leave early because of retreat.  So that was different, but still fun.

    Happy Birthday, Baby!!


    In other news...


    That's all for now!

March 21, 2009

  • Forgiveness


    I just wanted to point out another aspect of this that I wasn't dealing with in my thoughts here, but is very important when dealing with these Matthew and Luke verses - so as to keep a more complete picture of this and not lead people to think they need to be confronting people on every little sin or offense:

    1 Peter 4:8 says, "Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins." 

    This verse is key in understanding that the Matthew and Luke verses are not saying that we are to go to everyone every time they offend us or we perceive they do something.  If this were so our list would be endless by the end of our day every day!!!! 

    We should consider confronting for two reasons:

    1) As Gal 6:1 instructs: "Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness." So if they are in trouble because they are entangled in an issue, then we confront them in love to restore them.

    2) Anything we find too difficult to cover in love as 1 Peter 4:8 instructs.  However, love should cover most things.  If we find that love isn't covering most things, then we need to check our own hearts -- are we having bitterness or an unloving or critical spirit?

    ***END EDIT***

    As many of you know, I'm studying to be a Nouthetic (Biblical) Counselor.  The current class I'm in is on forgiveness.  I'm still mulling it over in my head.

    One thing I'm was thinking about was....

    Luke 17:3-4 "... If your brother sins, rebuke him; forgive him, and if he repents, and if he sins against you seven times in the day, and turns to you seven times, saying, 'I repent,' you must forgive him."

    And Matt 18:15 "If your brother sins, go and show him his fault in private; if he listens to you, you have won your brother."

    They explained this verse to say that we have an obligation on the offended side to confront the offender (if, as Matt 5:23-24 commands, the offender has not come to repent on his/her own).  It said that's a command here -- if he sins, rebuke him -and-  if he sins, go and show him his fault in private.

    The reasoning behind this is because we want to do everything to maintain the bond of unity.   Offenses surely do not promote unity so both the offender (in Matt 5:23-24) and the offended (in Luke 17:3-4, Matt 18:15) are command to go to each other and fix it (confront or repent).

    But the verse that kept popping into my mind was Proverbs 19:11 "Good sense makes one slow to anger, and it is his glory to "overlook an offense." (emphasis mine) 

    I always took this as two thoughts: one about being slow to anger and one about overlooking an offense.

    I always have read this to say that it is to our glory to overlook it when someone sins against us.  But then Prov 19 and Luke 17 would be at odds with one another, as we cannot both overlook something and confront it at the same time.

    So then I thought maybe it meant that we forgive the person the offense, even if they haven't repented of it.  But then, that is at odds with the rest of Matt 18:16-17 telling us to confront-- meaning that we are to go one on one (as it says privately) THEN if he/she doesn't repent we take one or two others THEN we tell it to the church (elders, then the body), etc.  There are a lot of commands there.... so overlooking it in that regards seems to be a detriment to the offender as every step outlined in Matt 18:16-17 is for the person's good that he/she may learn discipline and unity is restored in the body when rightly applied.

    And forgiveness isn't granted to the sinner where there is no repentance.  The gospel outlines that perfectly. Because then forgiveness would be acceptance with no conditions, yet forgiveness always implies something in the offender that cannot be accepted  -- Christ did not accept us as we were - He died to make us acceptable! 

    So, now I see Prov 19:11 is not two thoughts, rather one thought addressing anger and bitterness - meaning, when someone does something to us - first be slow to anger and then forbearance should takes the place of resentment.  Our response is not to forgive someone before he/she seeks forgiveness, rather, submit to God our hearts in a situation like this so bitterness doesn't rise up -- and then be ready and willing to give forgiveness when someone repents.

March 13, 2009

  • Fall on Jesus

    As you know I have 4 daughters ages 11-17. Hormones rage here. Today, not unlike every other day, is a day of breaking up arguments and petty disputes. It gets all too wearisome.

    I'm tempted to yell. I'm tempted to cry. I'm tempted to lock myself in my room. I'm tempted to give in to my weariness of it all. "Not another day of this, Lord; I just can't take it!"

    Last night a song popped into my head. Come to Jesus by Chris Rice.

    Weak and wounded sinner,
    Lost and left to die,
    O, raise your head for Love is passing by,

    Come to Jesus,
    Come to Jesus,
    Come to Jesus and live,

    Now your burden's lifted,
    And carried far away,
    And precious blood has washed away the stain... so

    Sing to Jesus ,
    Sing to Jesus ,
    Sing to Jesus and live,

    And like a newborn baby,
    Don't be afraid to crawl,
    And remember when you walk sometimes we fall... so

    Fall on Jesus,
    Fall on Jesus,
    Fall on Jesus and live,

    Sometimes the way is lonely,
    And steep and filled with pain,
    So if your sky is dark and pours the rain... then

    Cry to Jesus,
    Cry to Jesus,
    Cry to Jesus and live,

    O, and when the love splills over,
    And music fills the night,
    And when you can't contain you joy inside... then

    Dance for Jesus,
    Dance for Jesus,
    Dance for Jesus and live,

    And with your final heartbeat,
    Kiss the world goodbye,
    Then go in peace, and laugh on Glory's side... and

    Fly to Jesus,
    Fly to Jesus,
    Fly to Jesus and live,

    Fly to Jesus,
    Fly to Jesus,
    Fly to Jesus and live

    Although this song seems to be reaching out to the unbeliever or the progression of a new believer, I tell you, it ministers to me so -- just a reminder that where I need to run first is to the cross of Christ -- or "fall on Jesus" as the song urges us.

    Hebrews 12:1-2 says:

    Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured from sinners such hostility against himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted.

    Run for repentance; run for forgiveness; run for refreshing in a weary moment.

    As my pastor says, "If we think wrong we cannot live right." Our battles are much more than outward mothering struggles, they are an inward war in our minds. We need to lay aside the "deeds of darkness" (Rom 13:10-14) and put on the "Light". The key to this putting off and putting on is the renewing of our minds (Eph 4:17-24) through prayer and the meditation and memorization of God's word.

    Galatians 6:9 reminds us:
    And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.

    Now that's a promise!!

    Are you falling on Jesus?

March 9, 2009

  • My daughter, Valerie, has been taking hula for a couple of years now.  We recently found this place about 25 miles from here that teaching Christian Worship Hula.  So she has been taking it from them since January.  Friday she performed at a mission's fundraiser.  Just wanted to post it here:


March 6, 2009

  • Hi.  I sent out email, but then remembered there are a lot of you on facebook and xanga that I don't have an email for so thought I would update you here:

    Thank you so much for all your prayers. 

    Elizabeth called 911 for me on Monday night as I was having severe chest pain and was passing out.  The EMTs treated me for a heart attack and whisked me off to the hospital.  Initial test blood tests and EKG didn't show anything, however, the ER doc said unless I was currently having a heart attack the EKG could look normal and that the blood tests for a cardiac enzyme can take up to 24 hours to show. So they admitted me.

    Once in they ran a battery of tests: A CT of my chest and neck (they were looking for the possibility that my cancer had returned), several EKG's, and echocardiogram (looking for abnormalities in my heart), an ultrasound of my abdomen (looking for ulcers or gall badder problems), several (my arms all all bruised up!)  blood tests (testing for other cancers and such), a CT of my head (looking to see if I had a stroke), and a Stress test and two scans of my heart (looking for heart disease).

    When they do the stress test for your heart they do a scan of your heart before and after, so one resting and one after it's been stressed to see if there has been any change.  The scan after my stress test showed that there had been a change in my heart on the front side of it, which usually means blockage or damage. This is why I had to have the angiogram, to see if there was damage or blockage.

    Steve was in Las Vegas on a business trip.  The doctor urged that Steve need to be present during the procedure in case of problems (stroke, heart attacked, kidney damage/failure, death - to name a few...).  So Steve hopped in his car and drove home -- arriving around 1AM -- what a guy! <3

    I had this procedure Wednesday morning.  Good news, no damage (but can't tell how much that whole thing scared the heck out of me!!) -- since there was neither blockage or damage, they are assuming that my implant shifted during the scan causing the false positive.  Lovely.  I am doing good although the surgery site does make it uncomfortable to walk...

    So -- after two CT scans, multiple heart tests, the stress Test and scans, ultrasound of my abdomen, blood test after blood test, and an angiogram, we have no answers as to what my problem was.

    HOWEVER, we do know that I don't have any type of heart disease, gall bladder problems, no high blood pressure, no ulcers, didn't suffer a stroke, that my cancer has not returned, and I am definitely not pregnant. :)  

    The cadiologist did say that he could tell from my angiogram that I have had a lot of stress because I had tortuous veins -- where they start to curl up - kind of like lock of curly hair.... he said it may have happened during my cancer spell or even during my Graves Disease.  But that I needed to watch my stress level

    I have had the pain once again last night - the doctors and nurses told me not to ignore it, although I am tempted.  I am supposed to follow up with my oncologist, who will do an MRI (not sure what for, though), my endocronolgist (as my thyroid numbers showed my thyroid was a bit hyper), the cardiologist and the internist that took care of me at the hospital...

    All I keep hearing is Cha--ching! $$$$ We just upped our medical deductible to $5000 in January and our out of pocket is $7500 - which we expect to meet (the hospital bill as $5100 alone as of Wednesday afternoon, which they sent me a letter in hospital telling me to send  someone down with the payment -  HAHAHAHAHHAHA  Ya, right - who has $5100 just sitting around????)

    I am very thankful for to all of you who were praying for me.  Thankful for visitors that came to support me... My sister-in-law who came with me to the ER and stayed until 3am (she would have stayed longer, but I sent her home as I was just waiting to be admitted). Matt and his girl friend that thoroughly entertained my girls while I was whisked off to the hospital.  DeeDee and Heather, who came to spend the night with my girls -- Earl who came a couple of times to the Hospital to pray with and encrouage me as well as called me, Diane Cardinas, who came to the hospial on her birthday to be with me (and I didn't even remember it was her bday) and arrived just in time as I just got the bad news about my heart and was upset and Steve was in Las Vegas still, Dee Dee who soon followed to come and be with me, Teresa Johnson who drove my girls to the hospital to see me, the Hodsons who popped in to say Hi after my procedure, Dina Perry who came and gave DeeDee and Rebecca a break Wednesday and brought me flowers, Sue Card who came while I was having my procedure yesterday, although I never got to see her,  Dan Rupprecht who came by but I was too very sick yesterday to even say hi to him. As well as many of you who called to encourage me!

    Thankful too to my children who kept it together to help me out, and cleaned the house while I was gone and sent me notes -- thanks too to Jessica Warbrick who came and helped clean and do laundry.

    I also know that behind the scenes Ruth O organized dinners for my family and that several of have either signed up or have already brought meals -- thank you all.

    Very, very thankful to my friends that came to the hospital Wednesday (DeeDee, Rebecca, and Thelma) who took good care of me in the hospital while I was very very very sick to my stomach.  The doctor had given me something for the pain after the surgery and it made me very very very sick.  Good friends clean up your barf -- and believe me it was everywhere cuz I had to lay flat after my procedure for 6 hours..... thank you dear friends for taking such good care of me.

    The girls said there were lots and lots of you who called to help out my girls and offer help while Steve was gone.  As well as I am reading on FB many many loving words from you all as well as emails -- my heart is deeply touched by all your love!!. I am so thankful to God for you all!! He has blessed me greatly with such a group of loving family and friends!!

    So I am home, hoping that it just goes away......

February 24, 2009

  • Happy


    we love you!!

February 13, 2009

  • My youngest, who's not so young anymore (11 1/2), from time to time mixes things up and makes me laugh so hard.

    Mom: "Here, Gracie, I bought you some new face wash."

    Gracie: "Does this mean I don't need to wash my face anymore with Avril Lavigne."
    (for those of you who do not know, that's a female pop star)

    M: "What...are you POSsibly TALking about???" *laughing*

    G: "Whatever it's called!!!" *goes and gets it*

    G: "Oh..... it's Aveno!"

    M: ROLF

    Needed a laugh -- I've had a migraine for the past few days....


February 1, 2009

  • Wow - hard to believe the 1st month of 2009 is already at an end, although I can't say it flew by.  It truly seems like ages since Christmas. January was a busy month...

    I hardly ever update where we all are -- so because I haven't... here ya go!

    Financially, things are tighter than normal, however, God still faithfully gives us exactly what we need, when we need it. I feel so blessed.  Steve has these Wachovia jobs that should start next week.  Praying they actually do because you never know until you have the work order in your hands!  These jobs will last for weeks should offer a good buffer to the current economy.  Steve still teaches the 8-12 Sunday school at our church as well as we are on the Youth Leadership Team at our church as well.  That takes up a lot of our time!!


    Elizabeth is in her last 3 months of homeschooling.  She graduates in June!! How exciting is that.... well, exciting and a tad sad, for me, at the same time.  There is a new season for her coming and I am excited to see where God takes her!  She is excited about the summer and has grand plans of visiting some dear friends of ours in KY, surfing every day, going to the Xgames, etc etc etc.  No holding her down!!! 

    Our friend's that moved to KY.

    Elizabeth has a strong heart for evanglism and is eager to learn more and more about doctine so she can share it and discuss it. 

    Her best friend from dance started coming to our church a while back and will be baptized soon.  So very exciting!!!

    Valerie is closing in on her Sophomore year.  Her and Elizabeth teach a ballet class to 4 - 12 year olds on Tuesdays. 

    Their class

    She also will be starting a job at the studio where she takes lessons on either Mondays or Fridays.  She will teach little ones ballet, tap, jazz, and hula.   She still takes Tap and Lyrical at her studio, as well as Ballet and hula at two other studios. 

    Her and Elizabeth also are taking a Marino Biology class that meets at the US Backbay Science Center in Newport Beach.  They are both doing well -- the both got A's last semester!!  Valerie's love for the Lord is apparent to anyone spending more than 30 seconds with her!  She loves to talk about Jesus and God with any and everyone!

    Julie will be graduating from 8th grade this year! She is taking guitar lessons and is doing really well! She also is taking Tap and Jazz, but is wanting to switch to Karate.  So we're looking into that.  I think she would be really good at it - she's so physical! 

    Julie also loves to draw and with this warm weather we have been having, has been trying to get an early tan with her sister Grace - ha! Silly girls; they crack me up. 


    Julie is becoming quite industrious as well as a very good help to me around the house.  She loves to cook.  Together we enjoy watching the Food Network and all the cooking shows!!!

    Gracie is moving into Junior High next year (7th)!  Dang!  My baby will be out of elementary!  Hard to believe. 


    She wants so bad to learn piano, and we have been trying to find someone to come to the house, but it's too expensive.  So I guess next week I will attempt again to put it into our schedule... cuz it's not like I can't teach her, just finding the time consistently to do it is the key. 

    Gracie has a heart for the elderly and sick.  She is our little prayer warrior!  The details she remembers to pray for astounds me.  No one and their need is ever left out!

    I am 1/2 way through my counseling courses.  I hope to finish around summer of next year.  Then I will go for my NANC certificate, which will take one more year -- and then I will be a certified Nouthetic (Christian/Biblical) counselor.  I also have several other projects I'm trying to accomplish -- I'm putting our Hi8 video tapes on to the computer and then burning them to DVD.  Our Hi8 video camera died in 2007 (I borrowed a friend's to do this), and we hadn't copied anything off of those tapes since 2000.... so there were a lot of hours of coping off.  Made the first DVD yesterday 2000-2001 -- I think the kids have watched it twice already!  I also have to get our video tapes on to DVD.  There again is probably 20 hours of coping to do. 

    Our Homeschool Group

    And we might be getting some carpet from someone that we will put into the girls' rooms.  So, I will need to do some painting in the younger girls' room before then.  Also need to finish painting my entry.  And then there is the 100 little things I'd like to do, like rearrange cupboard and put new lining in them, etc etc etc...

    Our new cats are endless hours of enjoyment.  They are too funny.  A great addition to our family!

    Well, that's about it!  Hopfully making up for the fact I'm never on here anymore.... :)
